Saturday, September 11, 2010

Im gonna call it softcore

15-20 years ago we wondered what the internet will mean: some hoped it'd go away, some sampled and thought it might be good, others drank deeply and never considered looking back.

We now have a whole generation breast-fed by the internet. If you have managed to remain unplugged, my hat's off to you (the same hat I take off for the Amish, so the gesture probably conveys both admiration and condolence.) The rest of us now work, play, meet and think in a brave new world -- this blog is my attempt, with your help, to wrap my mind around this world.

So that we would have a shorthand --shorthands are one of the signatures of this new world, IMHO--I am going to describe our new world as "softcore":

1. As a sign of respect to both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (Microsoft + Apple; sorry to spoil your fun with explanation)

2. As a reminder of the dangers of porn addiction, although that topic is amply discussed elsewhere so let's try to abstain from boring each other with it

3, In opposition to the "hardcore world" which for better or worst is dying in its wake, the world of the printed media, face-to-face meetings, Palmer's Method, etc.

Really, anything can contribute to our discussion: personal anecdotes, links to other thoughts, criticisms both constructive and otherwise-- in fact, flaming/trolling seems to be a great way to increase blog hits. So pontificate away: my soapbox is now yours.


  1. err... what's "Palmer's Method?"

    and now your looking at me like, "eeeexxxactly..."

  2. John- -I just spent 2 hours trying to clarify what I mean to Katie... and you nailed it in one sentence.

    Thanks bro and stay in touch!

  3. Well,

    I was going to ask that also. Thanks for clearing that up. Also, What is - sorry - IMHO and flaming/trolling?

  4. Mike!

    Thanks for dropping by!

    for all your leetspeak definitions go here:

  5. Nice post, Richard! I would recommend Graham Ward's chapter on the Virtual Community, based off Baudrillaird ctitique on post-modernity as an era of "simulacra". And I blogged about what sights like Facebook, etc, have displaced what you referred to as "face-to-face" meetings ( At any rate, nice blog, keep it coming!


  6. Boo! thanks for the recommendation and the encouragement.

    I checked out your blog-- when this one grows up it wants to be just like yours...

  7. /Subscribe

    This looks like it is my brand of Geek.
    I can't wait to see what you have in store.

